Wednesday, March 12, 2008


As you continue to notice thoughts and sensations and allow them to be as they are, also note that you are observing these phenomena. Because you are observing these processes means they are not your essential nature. You are not the thoughts, sensations or emotion, although they are certainly a part of and take form within the consciousness that you are. We mistake ourselves for these phenomena at most times and react in turn, responding to the conditions that have developed from past occurrences of these same aspects of mind.

How to come out of reaction? How to develop enough awareness to know that we are not these aspects of mind that we have come so closely to relate to being the I that we think we are?

First, we should know that it is not what we think that is the problem, but that we think. When we realize that it is thinking that is the problem then we have gained some awareness of the true problem. We think, and we believe that we are those thoughts. We have ourselves confused with the thoughts. Remember, if we can observe our thinking processes taking place then there is a deeper essential aspect of the self that we should be looking at towards a spiritual awakening.

Remember, it is not what we think, but that we think. In fact, you could say, the thought making machine has taken over, is playing the role of you and you believe it. Your attitude for today should be that you will give less importance to the continuous strings of thought produced by that mechanism called the ego. But if you don't give your thoughts importance, what then? If not thinking, what else? Silence? Maybe for a moment... Peace lives in those moments.