Thursday, March 6, 2008

Surrender Everything

Surrender everything. For this day, make a determined decision to surrender everything you notice in awareness. Surrender all thoughts by allowing them to be. Aware of emotions in you? Allow them to be. Give them little importance today. Surrender your emotions. Observe all that enters awareness and give it little importance.

While driving, while sitting on the bus, while walking-all are good times to become aware. All are good times to take notice of what is happening inside. And with an attitude of indifference to those things that are, at this moment, in your awareness, you will allow them to be as they are.

Practice observing and allowing and experience peace.

Allow everything to be

Be aware of what's happening in this moment and allow it to be.

Sit still. Become aware of the sounds around you. This will help you to become aware of processes going on within you.

Take your attention to your body. Bit by bit move your attention from your feet to your head. Notice the sensations in your feet, then legs, then abdomen, shoulders, face, head. Stop and give each part of your body attention. Do nothing but bring awareness to each part as you move your attention up the body. Go back the other way, taking your attention from your head to feet. Do this as many times as you like, whenever you like.

Now bring awareness to your entire body at once. If you start thinking, then go back to being aware of the sounds around you-this will bring you back to awareness of sensations.

Notice the peace that surrounds you. Notice that awareness is often experienced from behind you, as if you were looking from around the small of your back at about an inch or two behind your back.

Bring attention to the sensations, notice the intensity of sensation-pain, presure, cold, hot. Observe all these sensations and allow them to be as they are. Do this as often as possible-become that observing quality that notices all things within the framework of your body.

As you do this you will begin to notice what it means to see with awareness.


While driving to work today I noticed the reactivity of the ego to other drivers. It takes a lot of attention to continuously watch the reactionary mind as other drivers cut you off or don't allow you the courtesy of pulling in ahead of them. Something is happening in these moments, my ego is driving and controlling the way I react. Try observing your mind and not letting the thoughts or emotions turn into reactionary behaviors. Being conscious or being aware of thoughts and emotions by observing these inner processes opens the door to choice in situations.

Awareness of thoughts and emotion will allow you to let them go. When not aware, you may often react as though you are the thoughts. If you are practicing staying conscious while driving but still tend to react, that's okay. After you react in a situation, just observe the thoughts that occur after the reaction. Your mind may tell you that you should not have reacted because you are practicing to be spiritual and cutting someone off is not spiritual. See this thought, notice it and allow it to be as it is. Continue to observe these situations and reactions as they occur and you will notice a change with continued practice.

Eventually you will be able to observe and allow all ego reactions to be as they are. Driving becomes your spiritual practice and you will find peace in traffic.