Sunday, March 29, 2009

Resistance is you

When we sit very still we can observe things within us without having to do anything. In these still moments, we can take notice of arising phenomena like sounds, images, emotions, thoughts and all sorts of body sensations.

In stillness we can see these phenomena arise and pass away into what we could consider a conscious space that is our witnessing awareness. One moment a sound appears and then it's gone, a body sensation is felt and then it subsides. What have you done but notice this process. That is all you really are-the conscious awareness behind all phenomena that comes and goes.

Suddenly, thoughts appear and your attention is taken over and into them. No more are the sensations, sights, sounds. As if the voice of unknown volition says, I don't like the sensation, the sound, the thought. There appears resistance to what has arisen in this moment. The sound of resistanct is that voice in your head that wants things to be different and narrates the concern. You've appeared!

The you that you think you are - that voice in the head - when it appears, there you are.

The you that you think you are is nothing more than resistance to this moment and the splendor that this moment offers. Attention is taken out of this moment, you become separated from the miracle of this moment.

The real you is not that voice. The Self is not found in the voice of resistance, but in the space in which the voice arises.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is proven existence to what is called the inner child. This presence which lives in the unconsciousness as an act of character which can if not honored cause havoc in ones consciousness. The voice I hear I call the "Critic" reminds of this child and how I must take control of myself as an adult. this is simply understood but again gets a little confusing at times. Practice is the solution. Being in the now requires all of my senses and of course a mind that is in control.