Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Stay fixed in the self

Your meditation should be to stay fixed in the self. Keep your attention firmly fixed on the sense of self.

Become familiar with your sense of self. Sense of self? The one thing you notice when you close your eyes and ask yourself, "how do I know I am here at this moment?" The question is answered by the sensation of self you feel after you ask the question. You automatically sense that you are here. There is an inner knowing that you exist in this moment.

Now, continue to stay aware of this sense of self. Do not waver from your awareness of this sense of self. When you lose the awareness and find yourself thinking, that's okay, it's expected to happen, it should happen, just bring your attention (awareness) back to awaeness of self.

Make the awareness of the sense of self your meditation practice. Stay partially aware of the sense of self all day long, without breaking this consciousness of self for even one moment. Try to stay aware constantly.

Eventually, the sense of self, will give way to the Self.

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